Formerly Ipswich Road Physiotherapy


Severe or persistent headaches can be related to a range of issues, including postural problems, muscular tension, nerve pain and referred pain. Our Physiotherapists have extensive experience assessing the root cause of your headache and providing an effective treatment to relieve pain and reduce headache frequency.

Annerley Physiotherapy - Treatment of HeadachesAnnerley Physiotherapy - Treatment of Headaches

Headache Symptoms

There are many problems that can cause a headache. Headaches caused by neck, shoulder or back problems can be effectively treated by physiotherapy. Headaches from neck issues can be felt at the back of the head, temples, jaw, forehead and behind the eyes. You may suspect your neck is causing your headache if you have neck pain, dizziness or light-headedness, or a worsening after sustained postures or movements. Our physiotherapists can provide relief for headaches associated with dysfunction in the upper three cervical joints.

Treatment of Headaches

Our detailed assessment will determine if your neck movements, work posture or sleeping positions are contributing to your headaches. Our physiotherapists are experts in movement patterns and If our physiotherapists determine that your neck is contributing to your headache our treatments may include joint mobilisations, massage, muscle stretches, electrotherapy and postural correction.

Our assessment will indicate whether you have tight or weak muscles and we can teach you the specific exercises to restore function. We can offer advice on work station set up, tips for working around the house and correct posture in the car.