Formerly Ipswich Road Physiotherapy

Treatment of Sports Injuries

Sport is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle - it promotes good health, stress relief and is fun.

Most sports injuries are a result of a direct blow (causing a bruise or contusion) or an indirect force like a twist (causing injuries such as sprains, strains and tears). Some injuries are due to over-use stresses (such as tendinitis and stress fractures). Most sports injuries can be effectively treated by our physiotherapists, who are highly qualified and trained in the assessment and treatment of sporting injuries. 

Annerley Physiotherapy - Treatment of Sports Injuries

Annerley Physiotherapy - Treatment of Sports Injuries

Annerley Physiotherapy - Treatment of Sports Injuries

Common Sports Injuries

We see a wide range of sporting injuries in our practice, including:

  • bruises
  • ligament sprains, such as ankle sprains
  • joint injuries, such as dislocations and tennis elbow 
  • over-use injuries, including stress-fractures and tendinitis.

Before you can safely return to your sport, it is essential to regain strength, mobility, balance and coordination. Our physiotherapists will assess these areas and show you how to improve them, including providing assistance to prevent further injuries. 

Minimising Injury

During your treatment, our physiotherapists will provide detailed information about the best ways to minimise further injury and prevent future injures, including:

  • correct warm up and warm down procedures
  • correct footwear and sporting equipment
  • exercises to encourage good muscle control and reactions
  • protective strapping & bracing
  • specific conditioning for your particular sport.

Sports Injury Rehabilitation

Our rehabilitation techniques will help reduce the time that your injury is painful and movement is restricted, so you can safely return to sport faster. Treatment of your injury by our physiotherapists will facilitate a good quality repair to the injured area and the return of normal muscle and nerve function. 

Immediately after an injury, and for 72 hours afterwards, you should:

   REST:  Take it easy & only move within your limit of pain.
   ICE:   As soon as possible, and for 20 minutes evey 2 hours, apply ice or a frozen gel pack wrapped in a damp towel to the injured area
   COMPRESSION:   Firmly bandage the injury, as this will help control swelling
   ELEVATION:   Elevate your injury as much as possible, higher than the level of your heart, to reduce swelling.